

Sara Sweetland works in gouache: ‘I like the flatness and graphic quality of the medium; it makes me think of the illuminated manuscripts and Indian miniature paintings that I particularly like’.  Black penwork is also used, echoing the lines of the etchings and stained-glass windows that appeal to Sara.

Close-up photo of artist painting.

Close-up photo of paints and brushes.

Sara’s painted flowers, jugs and cups are painstakingly cut-out and then reassembled on hand-painted backgrounds: ‘I like the illustrative quality that this creates. I am drawn to folk art, collage, scrap books, découpage and the amazing cut-out pictures of Mrs Delaney and Pat Albeck.’

Close-up photo of artist cutting out flowers.

Many of Sara’s paintings are framed in unique, vintage wooden frames which are often the starting point. Sara will choose a frame from her collection, then decide on the ceramic vessel and choice of flowers, that will best work with the size, shape and tones of the frame.  ‘I love to re-use and recycle and am particularly attracted to the patina of old things.’ 

Close-up photo of painting in frame.


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